
Considerato l’epilogo del Sutra del Loto, questo Sutra è praticato e venerato dalla Scuola Tendai, la cui dottrina è centrata sul Sutra del Loto.


In the Triple Lotus Sutra, this sutra is considered the epilogue and is practiced and revered by the Tendai School, whose doctrine is centered on the Lotus Sutra.

In the ocean of Buddhist scriptures, Samantabhadra represents constancy, consistency, and faithfulness to the Teachings. Considered as the patron of the Lotus Sutra, of which he protects the devotees, Samantabhadra presents himself as the ideal guide for the end of the Dharma Age, the Mappo Era.

In the Lotus Sutra, chapter XXVIII is dedicated to the figure of this mystical and powerful Bodhisattva, who begins his saving work by asking a specific question to the Buddha. The answer you get is for all the devotees the essential indication in order to follow the path traced by this wonderful Teaching. Samantabhadra is not new to this kind of phenomena. In the Avatamsaka Sutra it formulates ten vows representing the banks of the sacred river of Dharma.

samantabhadra meditation sutra

In the Samantabhadra Meditation Sutra we again find an immense teaching that is presented to us as fundamental for the attainment of the highest peak of the Buddhist spiritual path, Enlightenment. Considered the epilogue of the Lotus Sutra, this text is practiced and revered by the Tendai School, whose doctrine is centered on the Lotus Sutra.

The following sutra will certainly make those who think that confession and repentance are of exclusive Christian domination put a few noses. In Buddhism, in fact, the practice of Sange (repentance) is of considerable importance.

We dedicate this work to all spiritual seekers who are sincere in heart and soul, so that they can draw from the reading of this wonderful Teaching the strength or ideas necessary to continue the long path.


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