
Pack of 4 albums of relaxing music.



Inside the MEDITATION PACK you will find the following publications of relaxing music:

Le 5 meditazioni - Workshop con Massimo Claus


Meditation  and relaxing music must have particular characteristics, designed to facilitate relaxation and help our mind to detachment as quickly and easily from the world around us.

This type of music must be composed on certain frequencies, of which the most recommended for this type of practice is 432Hz.


Meditation is like thinking,
an innate need in human beings.

In the West people often have confused ideas about what meditation is or is not. It often escapes that the function of meditation is not that of “doing”, but that of “staying”. In other words, one could say that the function of meditation is to make one’s own ability to do nothing.

The common opinion is that doing nothing means doing nothing physically. In fact, that is only a small part of “doing”.  We do the bulk of the work with our minds, which like a monkey jumps from one branch of thought to another. We are almost never present in what we do. Physically we certainly are, but our head always travels, in the past or in the future.

This lack of focus is the cause of all our inner and exterior disorder. Meditation has the function of getting you out of this matrix in which you obligations to live.

~ from “The Meditation is not Religion” by Massimo Claus